-52nthjt3k8, 2015
video loop

Bridget Crone - Talking Squid, 2013
Essay for 'Double Screen'

Joanna Gavins / Text World Theory-
transcript of event at Site Gallery, Sheffield, 21.03.13

Artificial Voices / Roger K Moore & Ranjan Sen - transcript of event at Site Gallery, Sheffield 20.02.13

Vanessa Desclaux - Essay for
'Liquid Consonant' at Frieze London, 2012

Not quite tonight jellylike
Arcade, London, 09.10-16.11.13

Double Screen (not quite tonight jellylike), 2013
2 channel HD video, 31'30"

Suppose I call a man a horse or a horse a man?
Site Gallery, Sheffield, 09.02-23.03.13

Liquid Consonant, 2012
HD video loop

Ampler Tongue Transit, 2012

Argent Minotaur Slept, 2012
HD video, silent, 8'08"

White City, Art on the Underground
White City Station, 2012-13

Warp & Woof
CCA, Glasgow, 08.10-19.11.11

Iris, 2011
HD video, 0'58"

Return To Leptis Magna (spoken), 2011,
40'00" (6'00" extract)

Return To Leptis Magna, 2010

A Splintered Game
Galerie Nordenhake, Stockhom, 13.01-13.02.11

Ronald Jones - A Splintered Game,
Artforum, April 2011

Exhibition images


PDFs / Publications

Vanessa Desclaux - Anna Barham: Step into Tangram Rule, Volume, Issue 2, 2011

Colin Perry - Focus: Anna Barham
Frieze, May 2010

Ellen Mara de Wachter - essay to for show at IPS, Bournville, 2010

White City
Interactive map and videos

Contact / Bio / Merch

I feel love - documentation
> soundcloud


I feel love
Hayward Gallery Project Space, 14.08.14

Penetrating Squid
Snow Crash, Banner Repeater 02.05-20.07.14

Penetrating Squid
> soundcloud

I feel love, trailer, 2014
HD video, 2'37"


Proteus, 2010
digital projection, 1'10" loop

Magenta, Emerald, Lapis, 2009
digital projection, 6' extract

The Squid That Hid, 2014
Published in SIC Intertrashional Zine, Issue 2, Dec 2014

Liquid Liquid
Galerie Nordenhake, Stockholm, 15.01 - 21.02.15

c-o-m-p-o-s-i-t-e, Brussels, 14.02 - 04.04.15

The squid that hid, 2015
HD video, 5'06"

I feel like I feel that, 2014
HD video, 39'12"


DIDING An interior that remains an exterior?
KM- Graz, online exhibition catalogue

Air de Jeu / Un Nouveau Festival
Centre Pompidou, Paris, 15.04 - 20.07.15

Penetrating Squid / ch 3 / seemingly fleshed inside
> soundcloud

Fig-2 30/50
ICA Studio, London, 27.07 - 02.08.15

000998146-horizontal-panning-empty-fashi_prores/böhm-on-dialogue-ch5, 2016
HD video, 7'39"

Sabel Gavaldon, 2015 - Cutting Squid Into Squares
Poster publication for

Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange and Charm
Art Sheffield 2016, 15.04 - 08.05.16

Penetrating Squid / ch 4 / occupying both the black outlines > soundcloud

A sentence can be ours and ours
Playground Festival, Museum M, Leuven, 17-20.11.16

Unlimited magazine edition available from Blurb
000998146-horizontal-panning-empty-fashi_prores/böhm-on-dialogue-ch5, 2016

Even dust can burst into flames
Arcade, 10.05 - 03.06.17

Sick Ardour
Ex Libris, Newcastle University 25.01 - 10.03.18

Sick Ardour, 2017
HD video, 8'40"

Cat Licks Vitrine, 2018
performance at La Comédie de Reims

Crystal Fabric Field

Yet As Yet

Yet As Yet, 2018
8'42" >soundcloud

Crystal Fabric Field (Pete and Repeat)
Arcade, Brussels, 13.02.20 - ongoing

Yet As Yet, 2018
Projected element

Poisonous Oysters, 2019

Undone in the face, 2019
15'45" > Whitstable Biennale Journal podcast including interview with Keira Greene

Hearing from Artists: Anna Barham in conversation with Helen Welford, Assistant Curator, MIMA, May 2020

They are all of them themselves and they repeat it and
I hear it: a yearlong reading of Gertrude Stein’s
The Making of Americans (1925)

Organised with Irene Revell, 2020

Light Swathes Crossing, 2020
HD video, 15'29"

We may be ready to have verbal intercourse trailer, 2017, HD video, 2'38"

Living Sculpture
Flat-time House, London, 05.04 - 21.05.17

TO BE WE TO BE / Quote-Unquote / PODCAST
conversation with Helen Palmer
listen here > www.quoteunquoteplatform.com

Fig-2 trailer, 2015
HD video, 7'01"


Light Swathes Crossing
Arcade, Brussels, 03.09 - 10.10.20

TO BE WE TO BE / Leaking Container Festival
Index Stockholm, 19.09.20

p- ool- s o-f t- he ou- t- l- ine- s
Chelsea Space, London, 12.05 - 31.07.21

Poster publication - interview with Karen Di Franco

Flat Time House, London, 25.11.21 - 13.02.22

2 Channel HD video, 5'50"

Anna Barham & Gareth Bell-Jones in conversation at Flat Time House January 2022 >> souncloud

Des Voix Traversée
Villeurbanne / Rhône-Alpes, FR 04.06 - 31.07.22

ZYX, 2022

Cat Licks Vitrine, 2018

A manual

Live performance, 19.06,22, Whitstable Biennale

Magenta Emerald Lapis
The Tanks, Tate Modern, 01.03 - 10.09.23